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Showing posts from December, 2019

The end of the semester and the beginning of a better web business

Link building is critical for web businesses.  The way it works is something like this.  The business owner finds a business that compliments their own business and they agree to advertise or "link" each others business to get better ad space on Google.  Or someone on Facebook or any other social media site likes your product and decides to blast the link over their page to everyone they know.  This give you automatic exposure to many more clients then you could get on your own.  Also with the referrals from friends and customers people tend to trust your site, and products more than without those endorsements.  Linking is the way to get business done in 2019.  Also with Google Analytics you can monitor your flow of traffic to your site, and really see what links are getting clicked and how many sales are coming from the links.       

Social Media is the talk of the town

For the past few weeks I have been playing with my Google advertising trying to get someone to purchase my goods to no avail.  I finally learned about the power of social media on your business and I have decided that social media is where it is at.  It only takes one person to write a good review to get many more people interested in the product.  It only takes, one bad review to bring down the business too.  I really need to start a Facebook, and Pinterest campaign and see if I can get some momentum going for my new business.