Winston Churchill once said “We contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.” After researching and studying up on how to start a new business I have come to the harsh reality that the government has it's hand too deep in business owners pockets. First, you need a business license from the state, then a tax payer id from the feds. Second, you need a tax id number for the city, and county you are doing business in. After all that, you have to pay sales tax, and income tax for the state and federal level. Then you have payroll taxes that are paid on the state and federal level. This poses a real problem for new businesses. Most small businesses don't have the luxury of sitting on money. Each any every day the struggle to stay in the black is real, and a challenge. I think we need some big changes to the tax codes for small bus...