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Beginnings of a Web Business

I have spent a great deal of time this week sorting, sifting,and planning the next BIG thing.  I want something that will take off, and reach new heights bigger than I could even imagine. 
So how do I chose the next big idea?  According to my professor, Google ad words is a great place to start.  I have logged on, typed keywords and to my amazement the businesses that I thought would do really well on Google seemed to rank lower than I expected.  I have had to shift my focus to other business opportunities that I maybe didn't think twice about before.  Running an online business costs a lot more than I thought it would in advertising as well.  Google charges per click and you have to make sure that you set a cap on how much is allowed to be charged each day.  There are so many things that go into a business, my hope is that I figure it out asap.
